Catalytic Converter Law Compliance

Navigating New Catalytic Converter Regulations with Global Refining Group West

Global Refining Group West and its partnering locations work hard to help shape catalytic converter laws on the state and federal levels. By participating in industry organizations, contributing to lobbyist efforts, and meeting directly with government officials, we have continuously advocated for our niche market.

Our general counsel is available to our staff to help guide clients to the proper resources necessary to understand compliance guidelines. While we cannot provide legal advice to our clients directly, we are able to assist in the sharing of resources and our own guidelines.

Recognizing that compliance is a significant undertaking for many smaller businesses, we have integrated compliance efforts into our software. Clients are currently able to maintain required licenses or permits, IDs, and, when required – images, fingerprints and other documents of their own clients, directly within our software.

Keeping you informed helps us ensure that compliance does not end with us and keeps your business safe.

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